
Contact An Experience Beauty Clinic

You are always welcome at An Experience Beauty Clinic. You are not only looked after at every visit, but be love to share our knowledge and experience with you – contact us today.

Contact details

365 Little Collins Street
Level 2 Suite 2.11
Melbourne 3000

0401 139 754


Clinic hours

Mon, Tue, Wed, Sat
10am to 6pm

Thu, Fri
10am to 7pm


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Consultation Cards

New customers interested in purchasing Environ products can complete a customer consultation form by clicking on the button below. Complete the form electronically or by printing and filling out offline. Once completed, email the completed form, post or bring into our clinic.

New Omnilux treatment customers can help us assess their skin type and find out about the benefits of Omnilux by completing the consultation form. The form can be completed electronically. Alternatively, print and fill out offline and email the completed form to us, post or bring into our clinic.